The E.P. Children's Home (E P C & Y C C) was established in 1889. The Home has been operating successfully for over 100 years with 104 children presently in residential care.
They have now extended their role in the community by starting a unique project: the Ray Mhlaba Skills Training Centre, named after the first Premier of the Eastern Cape Province. At the Centre they train highly vulnerable youths, unemployed young adults and Aids orphans between the ages of 18 – 25.

(for More information click here)

Mama Zen aims to assist them by donating a portion of all profits made to the home.
We also hope to establish yoga facilities for the youth at the home early in the new year. Please follow our blog to see further progress with regards to this endeavor.

Mama Zen is also set on empowering less fortunate women, meet Constance and Anna, two very talented Mamas who assist me in making all Mama Zen products.